consider Young Life and it's leaders to be a significant influence on their faith.
Young Life would overwhelmingly recommend their leadership experience to a friend.
Morgan was the YL College Director at Rutgers University for two years before she moved to the area in the Fall of 2016. God has given Morgan a big vision for our area to grow our ministry to young people as well as expand our territory to reach more kids!
Tony has served on Intervarsity Staff, as a pastor, and stepped into the Committee Chair role in the Fall of 2016. He lives in North Brunswick with his wife Beth and has two children, Hope and Aaron, who are both involved in Young Life.
Andrea and her husband Cooper have served on the committee since Fall 2016. Andrea stepped into the Wyldlife role, our outreach ministry to middle school kids, last year. Her three kids, Caleb, Grace, and Christian ,are all involved with Young Life!